Our current projects (2021-2024) center around advising knowledge managers about their own projects and approaches. As sparing partners we offer second opinion.
Ongoing practical work of our consultants focus on various aspects of digitalization, data analysis and digital innovation frameworks.
New insights are shared at SKMF roundtables and university courses or publications.
Summary of selected projects and services with focus on Innovation and Knowledge Management - Download here

City of Zurich
-- Assessment current information processes
-- Options for information processes improvements
-- Potential for knowledge management in various departments
-- Support in taxonomy and information search design
-- Coaching of the knowledge management team
J&J, formerly Actelion, Switzerland
Process flow visualization
Medical information department strategy and digital communication support
Ad interim project management for a global medical information system:
-- Assessment and simplification of medical information processes
-- Visual communication of process improvements
-- Requirements engineering to the needs of the global organization
-- Customizing of digital medical information software solution
-- Supervision of the software validation
-- Roll-out in the pilot markets and hand-over to internal staffInnovation framework for setting up clinical studies and communication with key opinion leaders
Novartis Pharma Division, Switzerland
Digital Knowledge Management in HR (Human Resources) Shared Services (Joint project with Forward Solutions)
Internet governance assessment
Assessment of intranet operations, development of governance scenarios and
Intranet strategy outline
Digital Collaboration Process Portal concept development and implementation support (based on SharePoint)
Scenarios for Enterprise application integration and digital information access
Concept development for pharma research internet presence
Software Ergonomics Training (Human Factors)
Roche, Pharma and Diagnostics Divisions, Switzerland
-- Merging Innovation and Knowledge Management into a new Framework for R&ED and combining the development immediately with Change Management
-- Digital business model development through an innovative collaboration design
-- Knowledge management in global service organization - Customer knowledge flow capturing
-- Improvement of decision making in pharma research using digital approaches
-- Assessment of knowledge management initiatives in pharma R&D (Research and Development)
-- Agile methodologies and Design Thinking workshops
-- Accelerating the new product development process - digital innovation journey
-- Improving communication and access to information in project teams (SYMPACT® - dokControll)
-- Company wide taxonomy development as basis for digitalization and knowledge management
-- Intranet Process Collaboration Portal - Future Digital Workplace
-- Securing and transferring of business critical individual know-how
-- Innovative digital semantic search tools - The One Million Documents Project
-- Establishing Expert Forums / Communities of Practice: Guidelines, Governance, Tools, Processes, and Digitalization
Knowledge Management Workshop - Potential-Abklärung (SBB Immobilien)
Knowledge Management Analyse gemäss SIA Normen (SBB Immobilien, Bern, Zürich, Lausanne)
Knowledge Management Massnahmen-Entwicklung (SBB Immobilien)
Digitale Wissens-Sicherung und Experten-Walkthrough (SBB Immobilien)
Steiner Real Estate Development (RED)
Best practices and creativity enhancement project
Bundesamt für Gesundheit
Knowledge management and digital knowledge transfer in crisis situations.
Introduction of a wiki for internal customer support.
Bundesamt für Sozialversicherungen
Knowledge transfer and expert debriefings.
Development of knowledge transfer guidelines and knowledge transfer process.
Knowledge management assessment and workshop
Trumpf Laser Systems
Knowledge transfer and expert debriefings