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Wissensmanagement als integrierter Bestandteil des Projektmanagements. Zwei Module Fachkurs Projektführung im CAS Projektmanagement für Fortgeschrittene 2024 an der Berner Fachhochschule.

In 2024 we will be teaching in various CAS modules on KM. For example: PICTS Wahlpflichtmodul «Digital kommunizieren und kooperieren» at PHZH with Jean Paul Flecha.

Next KMGN Roundtable on Tacit Knowledge Management in the Era of AI will take place on September 18, 2024. Pavel Kraus is on the expert panel. Registration on Eventbrite

The paper: A GUIDELINE ENABLING KNOWLEDGE MANAGERS TO COMMUNICATE BETTER WITH BUSINESS MANAGERS by Prof. Dr. Manfred Bornemann and Dr. Pavel Kraus has been presented at ECKM 2024.

This guideline also contains a tool that helps KM managers to break down knowledge problems into business critical arguments that C-level managers will understand. This is the basis for creating a solid business case and taking KM seriously.

The paper is closing a loop that started with the development of the Houston Model in 1999 and continued with the Knowledge-Information-Transfer Processes (2014), the KM Success Logic (2015), the 3 Spheres Model (2018), and the Knowledge Cube (2021). See also our publications page.

Using AI (chatGPT), we are complementing ideas and with the right prompts developing new ones. A KM storytelling tool has been developed to show how knowledge problems can be linked with business critical ones.

When starting a KM project, launching a knowledge base or building a collaboration platform, understanding basic knowledge management principles is critical. AHT currently supports three teams in avoiding costly mistakes in this regard.

A KM program needs to bring value to an organization. It should start with a needs assessment. AHT has developed a simple and pragmatic way, to analyze the KM needs that bring the most value to an organization. We call it the «Knowledge Cube» approach.


A podcast has been recorded together with Edwin K. Morris at Pioneer Knowledge Services in March 2022.

Pioneer Knowledge Services is an US nonprofit organization creating podcasts on knowledge management in all its aspects. 

The podcast with Pavel Kraus features the activities of the Swiss Knowledge Management Forum including the 3 Sphere Model and can be accessed here. 


WMOOC Live Session am 24. November 2021 zum Thema: "Experteninterview / Erfahrungsweitergabe" mit Dr. Pavel Kraus, Präsident, Swiss Knowledge Management Forum (SKMF), mehr als 25 Jahre Wissensmanagement-Erfahrung.

AHT is developing new services and frameworks for our clients. Under the label RENKO we will launch a new service for risk managers in 2022.

A key question about your knowledge management program or workshop: Does your selection of methods and tools contribute actively or only passively to the success of your organization? What can you do to make it more active? The answer gives our new version of the 3 Sphere Model (see below). Further ideas you might find in the April 2021 article at Linkedin.

March 2021: Publication of an article by Pavel Kraus about Re-composing Knowledge Management (in German) - see Publication Webpage. The article contains the updated 3 Sphere Model and practical examples of knowledge management implementations.

The 3 Sphere Model is particularly useful when starting a Knowledge Management initiative or developing a KM concept. Together with Edwin K. Morris from «Because You Need to Know» we have created in April a short video about it. RealKM Magazin has republished it as well. 

February 2021: ISO 30401 - The new ISO norm for Knowledge Management Systems. Pavel Kraus has participated in the GfWM group that translated the norm into German. The group members were Dr. Maik Wagner; Dr. Manfred Bornemann; Dr. Herwig Rollett; Ute John; Dr. Pavel Kraus and Prof. Dr. Peter Pawlowsky.

Latest version of the 3 Sphere Model from June 2023

We have improved the model by adding another perspective to the existing one. The tension between content (passive and expensive technology) and conversation (active collaboration and low-cost techniques) is reflected here.

Transcripts and visualizations are emphasized because they are the critical element in transforming knowledge into high quality information. This is the place where the wheat is separated from the chaff when it comes to knowledge management projects.


With our SKMF Knowledge Management community we will continue our online roundtables. Join us and have a lively exchange on any topic you might like to address.  Next roundtables will be devoted to building KM argument that convinces senior managers and project management as a classical cross-over discipline with KM.

For more information please check the Swiss Knowledge Management website.

CAS Fachkurs Projektmanagement für Fortgeschrittene - Berner Fachhochschule - Winter 2023 - Im Kurs werden zwei Blöcke von Dr. Pavel Kraus geleitet, mit dem Thema wie Projekte durch Wissensmanagement erfolgreicher durchgeführt werden können. Es werden Methoden und Tools aus der Praxis vorgestellt. 

Januar 2020 - Die neue Edition des D-A-CH Wissensmanagement-Glossars wurde anlässlich des SKMF Roundtables in Bern vorgestellt. Download hier.

2nd Quarter 2019 - Article about «Digital Amnesia» in the Australian Information & Data Manager Magazine with an example from Switzerland.

Mai 2019 - Artikel für Fachhochschule Luzern - Abteilung Baumanagement:
Wissensmanagement in der Baubranche von Pavel Kraus - Link

SAQ - Sektion Zentralschweiz: Wissen - Erfolgsfaktor im Unternehmen - und im Fokus von ISO 9001
Ein Event bei Siemens am Freitag 30. November mit Pavel Kraus

Geneva Knowledge Week - September 10 - 14, 2018 - Venue WTO

- WTO and Knowledge for Development Partnership K4DP Sessions
- Co-creation of innovative knowledge projects
Program download

Introducing new tool from the MindOffice family for improved knowledge collaboration

Specialists working on complex topics like competitor intelligence, technology scouting or multiple projects need efficient tools for dealing with their knowledge and information in real time.

AHT assists specialists to simplify their tasks:

- Documenting ideas and reflexions right within the workflow of the tasks
- Exchange of information with their colleagues within the mutually understood context
- Easy access to multi-dimensional complex insights
The new «MindOffice» solution has been developed first for Technology, Competitor intelligence and Patent / IP topics and can be flexibly adapted to other areas.

It has been realized together with Alexandr Rada using agile development methodology and is a new addition to our «Mindoffice» family of tools.

Together with our network partners, we have completed the development of services based on new innovative software tools: It helps to cleanup and organize legacy documents from shared drives or SharePoint sites.
Making "one million documents" retrospectively ready for an audit and quickly accessible for subject matter experts. This challenging project lead to the development of a new Advanced SearchTool. This tool combines five different search approaches: faceted search, taxonomic search, special expression search, full text search, and semantic search.Based on the Advanced SearchTool we offer a service where ever a large number of disorganized documents from shared drives has to be put into systematic order. Records managers can use this service to put legacy documents into order or achieve a controlled cleanup and deletion.

We help to improve resource management planning in mid size departments. A special Resource Management Tool is a stand alone application to manage up to 50 people in an larger number of projects.

For more details contact Pavel Kraus.